Archbishop Miller’s 5 Ways to Live Out the Jubilee Year
As Catholics around the world embark on the Jubilee of Hope, Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, has shared a Pastoral Letter encouraging us to embrace this sacred time as a season of renewal, grace, and spiritual growth. Drawing from the rich traditions of the Church, he outlines five meaningful ways to fully participate in the Jubilee Year of 2025.
In the Waters of Lourdes
Have you ever had one of those experiences that was a big turning point in your life? In the moment, perhaps you didn’t know how it was going to affect your future, but you knew you’d be different as a result of it?
How I Find God in Everyday Life
At Mass one Sunday morning, as I was kneeling after receiving Communion, I glanced up to see a man pushing his wife’s wheelchair over to the Eucharistic minister. I watched the husband patiently stand by his wife and coax her to open her mouth to receive the host.
What’s My Vocation?
“What should I do with my life?” It’s a question on many hearts, maybe even our own.
In this video, Father Mike Schmitz gives some direction that can lead to an answer for ourselves or someone we know. He shares how a vocation is more than just figuring out whether we’re called to married life or religious life, and it’s about more than just finding out what we like to do.
Evaluating the Effects of Social On My Own Soul
We become like the things we spend the most time with.
At the beginning of this year, I made a goal for myself to stop reading journalism with shallow or narrow perspectives. I didn’t like the way it was forming me to think and I wanted to be more proactive about the things I let into my mind.
For Grandparents
We are told to honor our mother and father…but what about our grandparents? Well they get a special shout-out today, in the readings, and in our lives. Preached on a mission at St. John the Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 11, 2015.
5 Ways to Embrace Your Vocation as a Grandparent
I stepped through the door of the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) trembling. When I found my daughter’s son, Allen Joseph, I froze. It was the first time I had ever seen him. I’d never expected a moment like this, his premature, tiny body swaddled in a blanket and connected to machines all around him.
Questions to Ask Elderly Loved Ones
Your grandparents, aunts and uncles, and older loved ones have a lifetime of wisdom to share. Why not carve out some time to sit down and ask them about it?
We’ve put together this list of questions that you can print out and jot down their answers about their childhood, favourite things, and life lessons.
The Desires of Our Hearts
What does God mean by this promise?
Years ago, when I first became a Christian, there was a young couple at our church who took me under their wing. I was grateful for their friendship, encouragement and efforts to answer my many questions.
Overcoming Envy
On which sin are we reflecting today? Envy. A young married woman gave me permission to share how she’s struggling so much with not being able to have children yet. Every time a friend gets pregnant, or someone talks about the beauty of children, her heart sinks.