St. Anthony's Parish

True love gives itself; lust aims to possess

Pope Francis shared a beautiful defence of true love at a general audience this year.

“We have to defend love, the love of the heart, of the mind, of the body, pure love in the giving of oneself to the other… that beauty that makes us believe that building a story together is better than going in search of adventures… that cultivating tenderness is better than bowing to the demon of possession,” he said in January.

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Eat to live, don’t live to eat

Gluttony is one of the capital sins. Father John Hardon defined gluttony as “inordinate desire for the pleasure connected with food or drink.”

This desire may become sinful in various ways, he wrote: 

“By eating or drinking far more than a person needs to maintain bodily strength; by glutting one’s taste for certain kinds of food with known detriment to health; by indulging the appetite for exquisite food or drink, especially when it is beyond one’s ability to afford a luxurious diet; by eating or drinking too avidly, i.e.,

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Serving up a little Raspberry Pi

If I use the term Raspberry Pi, many of you will think I’m making a spelling error, or possibly an attempt at being clever with the famous mathematical constant.

In this case it is neither. Raspberry Pi is the brand name of a class of ultra small computers, initially aimed at hobbyists but which have gained so much traction over the past decade that they are now being produced at around a million units a month.

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The hands of a priest

“Let me see your hands,” I said to my three-year-old son after he had finished a large piece of orange chiffon birthday cake.

I took his chubby little fingers in my hands and with a warm cloth wiped away the sticky mess between each finger.

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