For Grandparents
We are told to honor our mother and father…but what about our grandparents? Well they get a special shout-out today, in the readings, and in our lives. Preached on a mission at St. John the Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 11, 2015.
5 Ways to Embrace Your Vocation as a Grandparent
I stepped through the door of the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) trembling. When I found my daughter’s son, Allen Joseph, I froze. It was the first time I had ever seen him. I’d never expected a moment like this, his premature, tiny body swaddled in a blanket and connected to machines all around him.
Questions to Ask Elderly Loved Ones
Your grandparents, aunts and uncles, and older loved ones have a lifetime of wisdom to share. Why not carve out some time to sit down and ask them about it?
We’ve put together this list of questions that you can print out and jot down their answers about their childhood, favourite things, and life lessons.
About St. Anthony
by Lyndon Little
St. Anthony of Padua — a Franciscan friar and the patron saint after whom our parish is named — is a man worthy of serving as an inspiration to all of us for his selfless devotion to our Lord in his preaching of the gospel and service to the poor.… Read the rest “About St. Anthony”
Don’t be possessed by possessions
Greed is a sickness of the heart. Pope Francis called greed “that form of attachment to money that keeps a person from generosity.”
He continued, saying, “to heal from this sickness, the monks proposed a drastic, though highly effective method: meditation on death.
Archdiocese and First Nation pledge ‘meaningful steps towards healing’ through Sacred Covenant
Looking to the future with hope was the clear message presented by the Archdiocese of Vancouver and the Kamloops First Nation (Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc) as the two signatories of the Easter Sunday Sacred Covenant held a press conference Wednesday.
The full document was released in English and Chinook for National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, with a promise to answer questions at Wednesday’s press conference.
Interfaith call for greater protection for religious institutions is timely, says Vancouver rabbi
Vancouver Archbishop J. Miller and a Vancouver rabbi are welcoming the call by an alliance of faith communities for more robust protection of religious institutions.
At a June 18 news conference on Parliament Hill, the Canadian Interfaith Conversation (CIC), an alliance of faith communities working to combat hate based on religious identity, issued an urgent call to action for the protection of all faith groups from such attacks.
Archdiocese and Kamloops First Nation release Sacred Covenant on Indigenous Peoples Day
The Sacred Covenant signed on Easter Sunday by the Archdiocese of Vancouver and Kamloops First Nation was made public on Friday, National Indigenous Peoples Day.
In a statement, the Archdiocese and the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc said the date was chosen to share the document in English and Chinook, “an important common language among First Peoples and settlers arriving from many countries.”
Decluttering adds sparkle and shine, and calms the brain
Reading cleaning and decluttering blogs I’ve been inspired to go through my clothes and knick-knacks to get rid of anything I don’t need. Marie Kondo, a professional organizer and tidying expert, has a whole philosophy, “Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy.
The Desires of Our Hearts
What does God mean by this promise?
Years ago, when I first became a Christian, there was a young couple at our church who took me under their wing. I was grateful for their friendship, encouragement and efforts to answer my many questions.