St. Anthony's Parish

Our Beliefs

St. Anthony's ParishWe believe in Jesus Christ. 

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, sent to mankind by the Father, so that we may all have everlasting life. We believe that Jesus walked here on earth, just like you and me. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary in a humble manger in Bethlehem.… Read the rest “Our Beliefs”

Saint Vincent de Paul

St Vincent de Paul

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is: “To live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy.” Vincentians see Christ in anyone who suffers; come together as a family; have personal contact with the poor; help in all possible ways.… Read the rest “Saint Vincent de Paul”




Greeters serve as part of the Hospitality Ministry at St. Anthony’s by welcoming parishioners and visitors. They promote a sense of welcoming and belonging. Greeters are the first contact that parishioners and visitors have as they enter the Church. They strive to welcome everyone with joy, kindness, reverence and an open heart.… Read the rest “Hospiltality”

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation

At St. Anthony’s Parish we strive to offer a variety of experiences which will allow all members of ourcommunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of our Catholic faith.

Each of our programs offers time for us to come together and to share thoughts and ideas, to ask questions, or just to listen and be listened to.… Read the rest “Adult Faith Formation”



Alpha is a parish tool for evangelization based on hospitality, sharing and open conversation. The same Alpha content is run all over the world by Christians of all traditions and provides a common expression of proclamation, service and witness. Millions of people have experienced Alpha in 112 languages in 169 countries around the globe.… Read the rest “Alpha”

Catholic Women’s League

Catholic Women's League

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL) is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through services to the people of God. CWL members contribute to the life and vitality of the church, family and community, both at home and abroad.… Read the rest “Catholic Women’s League”