The format is a pre-recorded 10 minute talk by Benedictines Fr. John Main or Fr. Laurence Freeman, a 25 minute meditation followed by time for questions/ comments. All are welcome!
The goal of PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) is to assist parents in the religious education of children attending non-Catholic schools in Grades 2 to 7 and to prepare them to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in Grade 2 and Confirmation in Grade 7.
Rescue ... what if there is a different story? An eight week small group experience of the Gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer. For more information: Rescue Starting Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. To register: Register All 16+ and adults are welcome!
Bring your pets to our Blessing of the Animals in honour of St. Francis of Assisi and his love of animals. The blessing takes place outside on the Church lawn. Being the Centennial Year, we are aiming for 100 pets. Invite your pet-owning friends and neighbours to this community event!
The format is a pre-recorded 10 minute talk by Benedictines Fr. John Main or Fr. Laurence Freeman, a 25 minute meditation followed by time for questions/ comments. All are welcome!
The goal of PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) is to assist parents in the religious education of children attending non-Catholic schools in Grades 2 to 7 and to prepare them to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in Grade 2 and Confirmation in Grade 7.
Rescue ... what if there is a different story? An eight week small group experience of the Gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer. For more information: Rescue Starting Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. To register: Register All 16+ and adults are welcome!
Rescue ... what if there is a different story? An eight week small group experience of the Gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer. For more information: Rescue Starting Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. To register: Register All 16+ and adults are welcome!
The format is a pre-recorded 10 minute talk by Benedictines Fr. John Main or Fr. Laurence Freeman, a 25 minute meditation followed by time for questions/ comments. All are welcome!
The goal of PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) is to assist parents in the religious education of children attending non-Catholic schools in Grades 2 to 7 and to prepare them to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in Grade 2 and Confirmation in Grade 7.
Rescue ... what if there is a different story? An eight week small group experience of the Gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer. For more information: Rescue Starting Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. To register: Register All 16+ and adults are welcome!
The format is a pre-recorded 10 minute talk by Benedictines Fr. John Main or Fr. Laurence Freeman, a 25 minute meditation followed by time for questions/ comments. All are welcome!
The goal of PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) is to assist parents in the religious education of children attending non-Catholic schools in Grades 2 to 7 and to prepare them to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in Grade 2 and Confirmation in Grade 7.
Rescue ... what if there is a different story? An eight week small group experience of the Gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer. For more information: Rescue Starting Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. To register: Register All 16+ and adults are welcome!
The format is a pre-recorded 10 minute talk by Benedictines Fr. John Main or Fr. Laurence Freeman, a 25 minute meditation followed by time for questions/ comments. All are welcome!
The goal of PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) is to assist parents in the religious education of children attending non-Catholic schools in Grades 2 to 7 and to prepare them to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in Grade 2 and Confirmation in Grade 7.
Rescue ... what if there is a different story? An eight week small group experience of the Gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer. For more information: Rescue Starting Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. To register: Register All 16+ and adults are welcome!