A free, no pressure, plain English 36 week course taught by Fr. Hawkswell and Maureen Creelman. Join us every Monday 10am - noon.
To help the Society for the Propagation of the Faith assist missionary bishops and dioceses throughout the world. National Collection Second Last Sunday in October
Support offered to the Holy Father as a sign of sharing in the concern of the Pope for the many different needs of the Universal Church and for the relief […]
Adoration: 9:30 am to 4 pm & 7 pm to Sat 8 am
Benediction: Sat: 8 am
Sign-up sheets located in vestibule.
To support the 12 Catholic missions in First Nations communities throughout the Archdiocese, and the Apostleship of the Sea serving seafarers who work on ships that visit Vancouver harbour. Archdiocesan […]
To support Archdiocesan youth programs. 50% is returned to the parishes for their youth programs. Archdiocesan Collection First Sunday in December