CWL Strawberry Tea
Our last gathering before the summer is our traditional Strawberry Tea. Preceded by Mass at 6:30 pm
Our last gathering before the summer is our traditional Strawberry Tea. Preceded by Mass at 6:30 pm
Join us after the 10:30 am Mass on July 7, 2024 for tea, coffee, desserts and treats as we express our thanks and gratitude for his tireless work, support, and guidance to the parishioners and parish community of St. Anthony’s. Thank you Fr. Hawkswell!!
You are all invited to join us in celebrating the installation of our new pastor, Fr. Arsène Dutunge. Click here to view the live-stream of the Installation Mass. Msgr. Gregory Smith will celebrate the installation. A reception will follow after the Mass in the Parish Hall. Please join us for this beautiful celebration!
Come join us for our Annual Parish Picnic which will have a Greek theme this year. Bring your favourite Greek themed side dishes, such as Greek rice, Greek potatoes and Greek Salad. And, for those bakers, bring your favour international dessert to enter our dessert competition! We welcome all parishioners, families, friends and neighbours!
Love to bake? Share your talent and bring your favourite international cake or dessert to the Centennial Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 1. Father Arsène and others will adjudicate and confer the title of “Best International Dessert” on the winning entry. We look forward to seeing you at our Parish Picnic!!
Adoration: 9:30 am to 4 pm & 7 pm to Sat 8 am
Benediction: Sat: 8 am
Sign-up sheets located in vestibule.
Healing and Reconciliation
Golf Tournament at Gleneagles Golf Course. Tee times from 3:30 to 4:00 pm. Cost: $38.00 Post Tournament Social at The Orchard Gleneagles Clubhouse from 6:00 pm onwards. All are welcome!
The format is a pre-recorded 10 minute talk by Benedictines Fr. John Main or Fr. Laurence Freeman, a 25 minute meditation followed by time for questions/ comments. All are welcome!
CWL Drop Off: NO FURNITURE, ELECTRONICS,SKIS OR SNOWBOARDS. CLOTHING: All ages and sizes, clean and good condition. COLLECTIBLES: China, tea cups, platters, figurines, etc. JEWELLERY: Fine and costume, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, watches, etc. HOUSEWARES: Dishes, glasses, baking trays, cutlery, etc. LINENS: Bedding, pillowcases, blankets, etc. TOYS/GAMES: Lego, puzzles, boardgames, cards, stuffed animals, dolls, action figures, […]