St. Anthony's Parish

Feeling lazy? Think of Jesus, the apostles, and hard-working saints

Sloth or laziness is one of the capital sins. The root of sloth is often acedia which means “lack of care,” or, as the Catechism defines it: “a form of depression stemming from lax ascetical practice that leads to discouragement.”

Pope Francis said, “it is as though those who fall victim to it are crushed by a desire for death: they feel disgust at everything.

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U.S. bishops, Holy See offer prayers following attempt on Donald Trump’s life

In a statement issued in the wake of Saturday’s attack on former U.S. President Donald Trump, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Timothy Broglio, said, “Together with my brother bishops, we condemn political violence, and we offer our prayers for President Trump, and those who were killed or injured.

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Young adults defying secularism trend in Canadian Church

Reports of dwindling religious practice among Catholics in Canada may be more prevalent each year, but a different trend showing increased interest from young adults is giving hope for a possible resurgence of the Church in the near future.

A 2022 research report from Cardus titled The Shifting Landscape of Faith in Canada revealed religious indicators among those who identify as Roman Catholic have overall declined since 2017.

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Love and logic are the Catholic response to MAiD, international pro-life apologist says

“The pro-life response to assisted suicide is not only the right response,” says pro-life apologist Stephanie Gray Connors. “It’s the beautiful and inspiring one.” 

Catholics needn’t be demoralized by the onslaught of Canada’s “extreme” euthanasia regime, because logical argument and compassionate action offer effective ways to counter the culture of death, Gray Connors told about 200 people at Our Lady of Assumption Church in Port Coquitlam. 

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