St. Anthony's Parish

School found silver lining in seismic upgrade shutdown: staff catechesis training

Anyone who knows a teacher is probably familiar with the complaint that they don’t have enough time to teach.

Imagine, then, the consternation caused when a school is closed for entire weeks so seismic upgrades can be made.

Ecole Saint-Sacrement (Blessed Sacrament Elementary) in Vancouver turned the disruption into a blessing during its latest round of upgrades.

Read the rest “School found silver lining in seismic upgrade shutdown: staff catechesis training”

Canadian St. Marie-Leonie Paradis canonized in Rome

Pope Francis has canonized 14 new saints, including St. Marie-Leonie Paradis, a nun from Montreal known for founding an order dedicated to the service of priests.

In a Mass in St. Peter’s Square on Oct. 20, the Pope declared three 19th-century founders of religious orders and the 11 “Martyrs of Damascus” as saints to be venerated by the global Catholic Church, commending their lives of sacrifice, missionary zeal, and service to the Church.

Read the rest “Canadian St. Marie-Leonie Paradis canonized in Rome”

Archbishop Roussin offered first residential schools apology from Archdiocese of Vancouver: a century of Indigenous and Church relationship and reconciliation 

A continuing series looking at progress made in healing and reconciliation initiatives between the Archdiocese of Vancouver and Canada’s Indigenous peoples since their first encounter. This week, the Archdiocesan Synod’s recommendations on First Nations, and Archbishop Raymond Roussin.

Part 1. ‘Dialogue and sharing’: a century of Indigenous and Church relationship and reconciliation

Part 2.

Read the rest “Archbishop Roussin offered first residential schools apology from Archdiocese of Vancouver: a century of Indigenous and Church relationship and reconciliation ”