St. Anthony's Parish

MAiD toll now almost five per cent of deaths in Canada

Health Canada’s new annual report about medical assistance in dying (MAiD) revealed that euthanasia now accounts for nearly five per cent — 15,343 people — of the nation’s total fatalities (326,571) in 2023. 

Rebecca Vachon, health program director for the non-partisan think tank Cardus, declared the report “reconfirms that Canada has one of the fastest growing euthanasia and assisted suicide programs in the world.

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Canadian group that led push to MAiD warns of abuse of system

An activist group that led the push to legalize medical aid in dying (MAiD) in Canada is now warning that additional government safeguards are needed to combat reports of abuse of the program. 

Liz Hughes, executive director of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA), told the National Post that the organization has become “aware of concerning reports of people being offered MAID in circumstances that may not legally qualify as well as people accessing MAID as a result of intolerable social circumstances.”

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