St. Anthony's Parish

Reading cleaning and decluttering blogs I’ve been inspired to go through my clothes and knick-knacks to get rid of anything I don’t need. Marie Kondo, a professional organizer and tidying expert, has a whole philosophy, “Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service – then let them go.”

I have donated two bags of clothing, a box of books, and little items that no longer serve me. It has been an experience of letting go and embracing what I have. I know that the Lord provides for me. When I am buried in things, I can’t live freely. The books, clothes, and things are supposed to help me live in simplicity and freedom. My mental health improves when I clean, tidy, and declutter our house. 

It starts to feel like I have more space in my mind to think and be creative. St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei, spoke about forming a bright and cheerful home and in doing so God would help couples to be generous. 

When I go to bed at night and the kitchen counters sparkle and shine, I feel more relaxed when I wake up to a beautifully clean room. Our environment has a role in maintaining good mental health. With lots of “stuff,” we can feel weighed down with all the decisions of what to do with it. It was my goal to remove what I no longer used or needed so I could be happier and healthier.

Taking the time to clean, tidy, and declutter gives me clarity of mind and spirit. I feel as if laundry and cleaning never end; it’s a constant movement of doing one thing at a time. This is just like the spiritual life. Prayer is meant to be a daily conversation with Jesus. Receiving the sacraments of confession and holy Eucharist is frequent nourishment for the soul in order to be holy. It is a good routine to clean house and soul to be one with the Lord who gives us every resource to do so. 

When we reach for the goodness of a warm and organized home, it helps us grow in virtue and service for our family and any guests who come visit. 

I love keeping checklists to show what tasks I have completed and what I still need to do. My list is always growing. With a home, a garden, and an adorable dog to care for, my little growing family is a busy ground for housekeeping and saint making. 

Hard work is worth the effort in maintaining the home. Painting, dusting, scrubbing, washing, and tidying are a few of the things that bring me joy in seeing the finished results. I try to offer up the hours of work on the home for the people in my life who need prayers. 

I am blessed to have a place to call home. The Lord has prepared a place for us too to feel at home in heaven. We need to prepare ourselves to be ready to be welcomed there. I’m sure it is the most beautiful place to be. Our greatest goal is to arrive ready to be received into the eternal kingdom of God. 

May our everyday organizing and cleaning bring us closer in love and service to our families and to our Father in heaven.

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