St. Anthony's Parish

Serra International is an organization created by Catholic laity whose objective is to foster and promote vocations to the priesthood and all religious vocations in the Catholic Church, as well as encouraging the laity to fulfill their Christian vocation to service. Serra is named after St. Junipero Serra, a Spanish Franciscan missionary who played a leading role in early missionary work in Mexico and the United States. Below, local Serrans share their experiences.

Father James Hughes at the first meeting of the Fraser Valley West Serrans around 2001.

“I joined Serra over 20 years ago, wishing to be a part of those eager to promote vocations. The outcome is the opportunity to know seminarians in their place at the abbey, the several times we can convene at Holy Rosary Cathedral to support our faith, and in our activities to be together for the greater glory of God.” — Mike

“I joined Serra shortly after I was baptized and confirmed in the Church. The organization was instrumental in helping me to build my faith over the last 20+ years. The fellowship and purpose of Serra kept me engaged with the Church.” — Ben

“Just as a number of Catholic mothers pray, I too prayed that my son would have a vocation to the priesthood. When I realized the priesthood was not his vocation, I joined Serra so that I would have Spiritual Sons who would become priests – thereby making me a Spiritual Mother of priests.” — Ethelyn

“After many years of struggling with my two sons, they decided not to pursue the priesthood and my heart was broken. I lost all my desires in my life until I joined Serra Club where I encountered seminarians. Therefore, I am not only a mother of two sons but also a mother of all the seminarians, to whom I share my heart, and pray for their vocations.” — Cathy

My passion now is to promote vocations, particularly to the priesthood, so when my time comes I may have a priest to celebrate my funeral Mass.

What I have been doing with the Serrans: Since 1981, I’ve been instrumental in starting the club in the Fraser Valley West, started the Serrans in Kelowna, established a Kamloops chapter, organized Stations of the Cross in the Fraser Valley West every Friday of Lent for the FVW deanery (Surrey), and got the traveling Chalice for Vocations that goes to homes promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated religious life.

As a result of the above experiences, I am at St. Ann’s Abbotsford re-establishing a parish vocations committee/ministry.  — Leo

“I know that the celebration of the Eucharist can only be done through a priest, and as the Holy Eucharist leads us to eternal salvation, praying for priests is a priority. When I heard Serra Club had this as their main objective, I knew it would be a good fit for the priorities in my life. My desire for the Eucharist and my relationship with Jesus has become more fervent since joining Serra.” — Marcy

“In the Propedeutic Year, the Lord strengthens his encounter with the seminarian. Candidates for the priesthood begin to understand the incongruent – even laugh at the humor of God in the call. In the silence of reflection and accompaniment, Jesus reveals his intentional plan. What one thinks they have lost by sin is regained by Christ’s mercy. The priesthood is the fullness and joy of Easter!” — Cecilia

“I joined the Serra movement in 1984. I must state that it is the most significant step taken. It exposed me to the foundation of the Church that is serviced by priests, deacons, and consecrated religious. I feel spiritually content in pursuing the noble goals of the Serra movement in encouraging vocations to the priesthood and religious life and in affirming those who have dedicated their lives to the service of God and his Holy Church.” — Vila Nova

“The Serra Club ignited my awareness that priests are vital to Christians’ lives to holiness. The extraordinary life of St. Junipero Serra and immersion in prayers and activities for priestly vocations, priests, and religious enlightened my focus, with God’s love and mercy, on the road to holiness.” — Lucy

“The most inspired I’ve been by Serra is when Father James and Father Mark brought basketballs into Mass when we toured all the high schools. Somehow, they brought the Gospels to life! I’m sure the Gospels were never the same again for all those kids.” — Tom

“As a catechist in the Atrium of the Good Shepherd, I became a member of the Serra Club in Kamloops, realizing the connection in what was happening in the Atrium and vocations and our call to holiness. As a relatively new Serra club in Kamloops with many changes over the past few years, we continue to grow, to learn, and to pray together, ‘always forward,’ being continually reminded to trust in the Lord of the harvest and in his time and goodness.” — Susan

If you are interested in discussing a vocation to the priesthood, call (604) 443-3254 ext. 429, email, or visit our website For women, visit

The stories of parents of priests that we’ve shared remind us of the profound influence of parents on our lives, particularly in matters of faith. With Mother’s Day and Father’s Day approaching, we invite you to reflect on and share how your parents’ religious faith has influenced your own faith life through the traditions, values, teaching, and spiritual guidance they provided. By sharing these stories, we can show others the powerful ways faith is passed from one generation to the next. Send your letters and stories to with the subject line Faith of our Parents and we’ll publish a selection of them.