St. Anthony's Parish

At St. Anthony’s Parish we strive to offer a variety of experiences which will allow all members of ourcommunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of our Catholic faith.

Each of our programs offers time for us to come together and to share thoughts and ideas, to ask questions, or just to listen and be listened to.

We offer variety. Our programs may be led by a speaker, be group based, be centred around a video and commentary on topics of global or local concern. We may have an eclectic agenda or a single core theme.

We try to follow the seasons of the Church, offering activities which will help prepare ourselves for an upcoming event or a specific holy day.

We are aware that not everyone is on the same schedule or works the same hours of the day. To accommodate this we try to vary the times programs and events which are offered; repeating those wherean alternate time slot is both available and appropriate.

“Another cup of coffee?” Whenever possible we try to provide refreshments which are appropriate to the hour and to the season.

…and we listen. We are always open to your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.