St. Anthony's Parish

PREP is a Ministry that teaches the principles of the Catholic faith to those children (grade 1-7) of our Parish that attend public school or non-Catholic independent schools, preparing them to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and perhaps even Baptism. Our purpose, together with the Pastor and Catholic parents, is to help develop the spiritual and intellectual growth of these students, enabling them as Christians to live, share and serve in the parish community.

The Catholic Church recognizes parents as the primary educators of their children and the PREP program is meant to help parents with this key responsibility as well as to support and nurture the child’s journey to know, love and serve God. Through PREP, parents and families have also the opportunity to renew their own faith foundation by studying with their children and participating in the life of the parish community and attending the many event and learning opportunity through the year. Please check the parish website for more information about these events.

Following the mandate and learning outcomes of the Archdiocese of Vancouver and with the direction of our parish pastor, the Very Reverend Father Gary Franken the teaching of the Catholic faith is coordinated by Sister Angela Marie and taught by volunteer catechists. Our catechists, who are parishioners of Saint Anthony, are encouraged to continue their own faith journey and education and attend workshops and retreats that will deepen their love and understanding of the faith. If you are interested in serving as a catechist in the PREP program, please contact the Parish office at 604-926-6881.

2020-2021 SCHEDULE
In the past years, our classes have been held every Wednesday, from 6pm to 7:15pm. At this time of pandemic we are working on providing a plan for a safe and healthy environment, that will be conducive to good learning and growth in the faith. The tentative start date for classes is in mid October. Please stay tune. The Registration Form is available on our parish website and at the parish office. If you have any questions, please contact Sister Angela Marie Castellani, FSE (PREP Coordinator) at or the parish office.

Please return the registration form for this year to the Parish office, with the correspondent fee and the copy of your children Baptismal Certificate.

PREP year builds on the previous year and each, and every grade is important. Families are encouraged to register their children from 1st to 7th grade. To be able to receive the Sacrament of Holy Community the student would need to complete grade 1 before registering for grade 2. To receive the Sacrament of Confirmation the student would need to complete grade 6 before registering for grade 7. Two years of consecutive preparation are needed to receive the Sacraments. It is extremely important that the children attend all PREP classes and attend faithful Sunday Mass. It is also important that the education in the faith continues at home and we encourage the families to get involved in the life of the Parish as well as to attend the different parenting workshops offered by the Parish during PREP time.

“Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mince, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

In the Spirit of Christian Charity and following the great example of our patron Saint Anthony, the children are encouraged to engage in acts of service. Before Confirmation, the children will be asked to complete 20 hours of service. Some opportunities will be provided during the Sacramental preparation for Confirmation.