
ReconciliationThe Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession or the Sacrament of Penance, is a healing sacrament by which we experience the mercy of God. Through the ministry of a priest, we honestly confess our sins to Jesus and then receive his forgiveness and mercy. Regular confession brings healing to our hearts and restores our relationship with God and the community. 

Catholics are always welcome to return to this sacrament, whether it has been two weeks or two decades since their last confession. Confession times are listed on our website, and we invite you to participate as often as possible.

If you would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please come to the church at the times listed on our website or contact the parish office to schedule an appointment.

Experiencing God’s mercy exercised through the ministry of priests.

Common Questions – Confession

Put simply, it’s God’s plan. The priest is the minister of the sacrament acting in the person of Christ. In fact, the confession of sins to a priest is the only ordinary way to have mortal sins forgiven after Baptism. Also, God knows how we can rationalize our sins away and sweep them under the rug. And so He wants us to tell our sins and to acknowledge them in a personal encounter. Know that we fall into the loving arms of our heavenly Father when we go to a priest and confess.

Remember that priests have heard thousands of confessions over the years, and there are really no new sins. It’s a great privilege for priests to hear confessions and be instruments of the Father’s mercy.

No, quite the opposite. He’ll be inspired by your humility and courage, and likely won’t remember your sins anyway. And remember, priests have to go to Confession, too. Even the Pope has to confess his sins to another priest.

Under no circumstances. If a priest did tell any person–even the police–something he heard in the confessional, he would be excommunicated.

Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more” (Rom. 5:20). God’s mercy is greater than all our sins. Assuming you are truly sorry for what you’ve done and willing to make necessary changes, the answer is YES. God longs for you to return to his merciful Heart.

Confession Times at St. Anthony's

Monday to Saturday: 8:30 am to 8:50 am
Saturday: 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm