St. Anthony's Parish

Father Terrance Larkin, a diocesan priest for the Archdiocese of Vancouver and a missionary, passed away on Sept. 10 at the age of 86.

Father Larkin was remembered for the care and attention he gave to parishioners, to the point of trying to memorize all their names. Even later in life, as an assistant pastor at Holy Rosary Cathedral, it wasn’t unusual to hear him offer Communion to visitors by name when he recognized them from parishes he had served throughout his 58 years as a priest.

In 1969, Father Larkin volunteered to serve in a mission in Lima, Peru, run by the Archdiocese of Vancouver. He remained there until the mission’s objective, to allow local priests to take over the running of the parish, was completed in 1973.

Father Larkin paid special care to the cultural identity of his flock. When he was made pastor of St. Joseph’s in Vancouver in 1980, he encouraged the unique devotions of the growing Filipino community and even travelled to the Philippines to study Tagalog.

Father Larkin holds a banner with members of the Sambayanang Pilipino Society of B.C. after a Simbang Gabi Mass in 2015. As a parish priest, Father Larkin took special care of the cultural identity of his parishioners, even travelling to the Philippines to learn Tagalog.

During that period, he also took charge of the Hispanic Mission at St. Joseph’s after it was moved there in 1984.

Throughout his priesthood, Father Larkin served as pastor of Holy Trinity in North Vancouver, Precious Blood in Surrey, and St. Joseph’s in Vancouver. He also served as assistant pastor at St. Francis de Sales in Burnaby, St. Joseph’s in Powell River, St. Anthony’s in West Vancouver, Star of the Sea in White Rock, and Holy Rosary Cathedral.

He spent his final days in Honoria Conway assisted-living facility near Holy Name of Jesus in Vancouver, where he would get to Mass with the help of a walker. 

Holy Name pastor Msgr. Gregory Smith wrote an emotional farewell in the parish bulletin.

“The news of Father Terry Larkin’s death comes as a great sadness to our parish family, of which he was a treasured member. He was known for his ever-joyful spirit, participation at all our social events, and for singing weekly in the choir at 5pm, always ending the Gloria on a triumphant note!”

Father Larkin was a long-time reader and supporter of The B.C. Catholic, occasionally sending an appreciative email. His most recent said, “All Brave Heart personnel at BC Catholic are doing a super Brave Heart good job.”

He will be missed.

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