
EucharistThe Sacrament of the Eucharist, also called the Mass, is “the source and summit of the Christian Life.” All of the other sacraments point to it. When the priest prays the words of consecration over the bread and wine at Mass, we believe, in accordance with the teaching of Jesus, that they become his Body and Blood. We receive this most precious of gifts in Holy Communion, which intimately unites us with Jesus and helps us become more like him through the grace he gives us by his very presence in our human bodies. Because the Son of God is truly present in the Eucharist, Catholics also adore the Blessed Sacrament during Exposition, and we reverence the tabernacle where the Eucharist is placed after Mass. 

Catholics who are ready to receive Jesus in the Eucharist are invited to receive Holy Communion during Mass. Our hearts are ready to receive him when we have been baptized in the Catholic Church (or baptized in another church and later received into the Catholic Church) and are not in a state of serious sin. If you are not yet ready to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, you are welcome to line up during Communion and receive a blessing (indicated by placing your hands across your chest).

If you would like to learn more about preparing to receive the Eucharist yourself or for your child, please contact the parish office and we would be happy to assist you.

Receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ under the appearance of bread and wine.

Common Questions – Eucharist

No. Only properly disposed Catholics may receive Holy Communion. The word Communion can also be seen as “comm-union”, or in other words, “union with”. Receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ signifies a proclamation of this belief, as well as expression of unity and belief in the Catholic Church and all that she teaches. If you are not a Catholic but feel drawn to the Catholic Church and the Eucharist, we invite you to visit our Becoming Catholic page.

Catholics receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ every time they receive Holy Communion. We believe that Jesus is truly present in the consecrated species of bread and wine. Communion must then be received with the greatest reverence and worship of our Lord. If possible, the Church recommends fasting for at least one hour prior to receiving the Eucharist. The Church also recommends taking part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation as often as possible, but at least once every year, to prepare our souls to receive Jesus. If there are any mortal sins that are in the way of your relationship with Jesus, Confession removes the mortal sin to prepare your heart prior to receiving Jesus in the Eucharist.

Catholics are obliged to attend Holy Mass on all Sundays and holy days of obligation. In Canada, the holy days of obligation are: December 25th (Christmas) and January 1st (The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God). This obligation is meant to be seen in light of love and devotion to Jesus, responding to His invitation out of obedience, not mere duty. 

If one misses Mass due to a serious illness or an unforeseen event, then he or she is encouraged to read the Mass readings for that week and reflect on the words of God as revealed in the Bible.